
TV IP TV, internet, box, decoder, Ott, Peertv

TV IP TV, internet, box, decoder, Ott, Peertv There are 31 products.

What is IPTV IPTV, ott, peertv, IPTV, stands for Internet Protocol television. This means that the TV signal over the Internet connection is received, instead of cable or satellite. IPTV can not only watch television, but also the timeshifting (recording and later viewing of programs) and video on demand (demand at any time and watch videos) possible. Due to the increase of applications on the network, everyone with an Internet connection using IPTV. IPTV and Internet TV there is a difference between IPTV and Internet TV on your computer. By the phone company IPTV generally applied a separate connection. A good connection allows IPTV high knowledge on network requirements. It is a minimum for IPTV connection speeds. This is in contrast with Internet TV, in which the carrier has no influence on the quality of the final image to the consumer's home. The advantage of Internet TV is that it is through the existing network can be delivered to the consumer and is relatively easy to access. In addition, the quality of Internet television depends on the strength of the computer, where flows through IPTV set - top box (STB) and therefore depends on the quality of the STB.

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