


The command of products presented in the electronic catalog of this website is subject to acceptance by the purchaser, and acceptance without reservation by the latter of the entirety of the General conditions of sale (t & c) set out below. These terms & conditions apply to the buyer without regard to specific clauses added by him - except by express agreement with the seller - and without regard for advertising material issued by the website holder. Buyer's acceptance is materialized by his electronic signature, embodied by the "click of validation". This electronic signature handwritten signature value between the parties. This approach is equivalent to the purchaser to recognize that he is fully aware and approves all of the following conditions. Except in cases restrictively provided for by these terms and conditions, the order form electronically signed by the buyer, through the "click of validation", worth final order, and cannot be retracted. In these circumstances, we invite customers who have connected on the electronic catalogue sales remotely read carefully the General conditions of sale below, before proceeding to any effective control of products listed in this catalogue. Orders placed on the server and by purchase order committed the customer upon receipt by our customer service of the order and its regulations. In the event of payment against reimbursement, orders placed on the server by order commit the customer upon receipt by customer service of the order.


Article 1: object

The present General Sales Conditions (GTC) are intended to clarify the rights and obligations of the purchaser with respect to the products sold in our electronic catalogue, as part of a sales system remotely. The contract drawn up in case of effective control in the framework and under the conditions referred to in these terms and conditions is the regulation of distance selling, as it results including the Code beyond consumption, as well as to the provisions referred to below.


The coordinates of the holder according to your order

 Article 3: Essential characteristics of the goods and SERVICES

The products offered in the electronic catalog and whose distance selling is governed by the present General Conditions of sale have the following essential characteristics:

 Products concerned: the name, packaging, quantity and characteristics are specified for each of the products in the electronic catalogue. All of these elements is included in the order made by the purchaser. Photos of presentation of the products offered in the electronic catalogue are not contractual and cannot engage the responsibility of the seller to the buyer.

 geographic delivery area: the offer referred to in these terms and conditions is limited to the same area.

 Availability of good oudu service: products presented in the electronic catalog and whose distance selling is governed by these terms and conditions are available as long as the product concerned appears on the electronic catalogue, until out of stock from the manufacturer.

 Article 4: Duration of offer

Product offerings contained in the electronic catalog, governed by these terms and conditions, are valid for all products contained in this catalogue as long as it remains online or until the stock is exhausted.


Article 5: prices

The price is indicated for each product in the electronic catalogue. The price is excluding VAT and without recycling fee (for theObject Switzerland). Taxes are attached to the invoice date under the conditions referred to in article 6 below. The guaranteed price to the buyer is shown on the electronic catalogue or the written offer to the date of the purchase, which was materialized by the acceptance of the offer by the purchaser under the conditions referred to in article 6 below. The price must at the latest be paid in their entirety ala delivery. Levendeur reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the price appearing on the catalog.

 Article 6: Acceptance of the offer

The acceptance of the offer by the buyer is embodied by validation, in the context of the electronic catalogue, by a "click of validation", or by his signature. All information must be completed by the buyer: name, first name, delivery address, E-mail. The order placed by the buyer subject to a written confirmation by email from the seller. This confirmation contains: product description, quantity, price, taxes and the terms of delivery. (Except sending by signature of the order form)


Article 7: payment

The buyer must pay by one of the means of payment offered on the site the full payment of the order no later than at the delivery of his order. The buyer guarantees the vendor, when you post the purchase order, it is in a regular situation with respect to the issuer of the card payment or cheque. The client undertakes to pay the purchase price in effect at the time of its seizure of the command. The payment of the order is payable as a payment within a period of 5 days, cash on delivery or by credit card, depending on your choice, with the exception of subscriptions, purchase of direct material or send against reimbursement.

 Article 8: delivery

RIX by the customer and without impact on the transfer of risks. We charge a fee for any refusal of delivery or cancellation of order.

 Section 9: Warranty and AFTER-SALES SERVICE

In addition the legal warranty against hidden defects, we guarantee the failure of the support in the following terms. In the case where the client finds a defect of the support, has 5 days from its purchase to make it back from the dealer to benefit from this guarantee, customer must be addressed at its expense support accompanied by the warranty card attached to the product. Changes in frequency, antenna by natural forces movements are not guaranteed. It will be seen you compensation for any troubleshooting according to the tariff in force. Special unlicensed satellite receiver PCMCIA readers, programmers, are only intended for computer use. Only official updates by the manufacturer are allowed. No information will be provided or warranties granted in the case of fraudulent use.


Article 10: subscriptions

It offers a system of digital reception for programs to toll (receiver, map, maintenance contract, satellite Internet reception). We are committed to respecting the period of one year at least for subscriptions, except for renewable subscriptions in 6 months and 3 months. The subscription is automatically renewed from the date of subscription. There may be charges for renewal according to the subscription. Termination of the subscription shall be made by registered delivery with a notice of 3 months and the reference of the card and/or the decoder within a period of 5 days from the due date. A fee of CHF 50.-to CHF 500. - will be charged in case of delay. A fee of CHF 50. - will be charged for credit card change, loss thereof, search for your new address. You must announce any changes of address and map in writing to your dealer. A fee will be paid if you ignore this warning. For any modification of the originally selected bouquet you must only contact your dealer events pay-TV such as BOX Offices, modification of subscription can be ordered directly by you. If you don't know that your card will be immediately blocked and your contract will be cancelled, a fee of CHF 100. - will be charged in addition to the reactivation fee. Modifications of subscriptions must be done in writing or e-mail (, with an indication of the number of your subscription card. We charge a fee for the cancellation of your order.

In case of request for access to a new programme or bouquet a new card must be ordered and an amount of CHF 200 will be charged.

The phone number to call in the event of difficulty of reception (interruption of transmission) or in the case of a message appearing on the screen (please call...) is the 021 657 06 46

Section 10.1

Operators are released from their obligation for the following cases: session of activity of the operators, reception by the antenna support problem, receiver, transmitter frequencies by satellite, encryption system, replacement of cards or decoder. Modification of the chains or cancellation of the chains it cannot under any circumstances be demand compensation. Erotic channels subscriptions are to exchange directly with the operator in the chain. With my signature, I authorize the registration of my membership card as an indication, total or partial strikes floods, fires are cases of force major. It shall in no case be claimed compensation by the customer. Renewal of subscriptions is to settle within 10 days of the invoice date, a surcharge of CHF 50. - you will be charged in case of delay.


Article 11: Personal information

In the absence of express opposition on his part, the buyer consents to the use of personal data collected under the terms of its order in the customer's vendor file. The buyer has at any time a right of access and rectification.


Article 12: APPLICABLE law

This contract is subject to the Code of Obligations. For judicial: Yverdon (Switzerland) baths


Article 13: Settlement of disputes

In case of dispute, the buyer will address in priority to the seller to agree on a settlement. The fact that the seller does not rely on a breach of a any its obligations to the purchaser, governed by these terms and conditions, be construed as a waiver of its obligations, or the right for the buyer to rely later this breach. By the signature of the present, by your rules, by the click of validation, you agree to all of the terms & conditions

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