box tv, +12 mois au chaînes Suédoise + Danois + Norvégien en ip View larger

box tv, + 12 months the Swedish + Danish + Norwegian chain in ip

IP_BOXTV_ sd_nor


12 months the Swedish + Danish + Norwegian chain without antenna satellite decoder IP, BOX tv

Internet connection in reception 2 Mbps and traffique without limit is required !


test http://www.testadsl.NET/test-debit.html

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1,098.00 CHF tax excl.

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12 months at the chains Swedish, Danish + Norwegian + decoder IP, BOX tv

without parable is now possible!

Lists of strings  




DR1, DR2, TV2, Kanal 4, Kanal 5


NRK1, NRK2, NRK3 super, TV2, TV Norge


SVT 1, SVT 2, TV4, Kanal5, Sjuan


TV operator remains solely responsible for the content of his bouquets and the availability of channels included in its offer.


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